What are we going to do exactly?
The future - it just happens, even if we plan it meticulously. But suddenly reality emerges differently than expected. In the last few years, the many crises make the thought of a future for some almost desolate. How is it possible to be hopeful again – to strengthen our resilience and most importantly to create change?
The capacity of futures literacy teaches that we “use the future” in our everyday life. And if we want change, we need to learn more about our assumptions that create those images of the future – which are the foundation of our present action. It needs the power of imagination and the competency of improvisation to not only think of change but act on it.
In this workshop Martin, Almuth, and Stefanie will give you a brief insight into their work of FUTUREStheater and how applied improvisation can foster Futures Literacy. Starting with a short keynote you will experience the energy and fun but also the power that applied improvisation methods have especially to cope with the ever-emerging, uncertain, and alternative futures.
The facilitators Martin and Stefanie are co-founders of ZUKÜNFTE, a network that promotes futures literacy and is part of the grander UNESCO Futures Literacy network. Martin and Almuth are the impro-duo gefühlTeinblick
The speakers
Martin A. Ciesielski – co-founder of ZUKÜNFTE. He is also author, consultant, trainer, keynote speaker, improvisation artist, member of the Applied Improvisation Network (AIN) and part of the impro-duo gefühlTeinblick.
Stefanie Ollenburg – co-founder of ZUKÜNFTE. She is a communication designer, facilitator, and research associate at the University of Art Braunschweig (HBK), Institute for Design Research, working in the ScenAIR2050 project on shaping futures and transformation.
Almuth Jabs – part of the greater network of ZUKÜNFTE. She is a fitness coach, nutritionist, actress, improvisation artist and part of the impro-duo gefühlTeinblick.
Event details
When? Thursday, 24.11.2022, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Where? Ellery Studio, Glogauer Straße 19, 10999 Berlin
Doors open at 6pm.
This event has a maximum capacity of 30 participants. This is due to both the workshop set-up as well as adequate safety measures around COVID 19. We advise all participants to do a self-test prior to the event. However, we do not check results or vaccination certificates at the door.
Please sign up for this event with a valid Eventbrite-account. We will include every signed-up participant on a guestlist. If you are joining, we kindly ask you to be on time so that the event can start accordingly. During the event, we offer a small selection of drinks (1€) and snacks for all participants.
Looking forward to your participation!
Your Speculative Futures Berlin Team
Kapazitätsaufbau für Future Readiness definiert sich als der Prozess der Entwicklung und Stärkung der Fähigkeiten, Instinkte, Fertigkeiten, Prozesse und Ressourcen, die Organisationen und Gemeinschaften benötigen, um in einer sich schnell verändernden Welt zu überleben, sich anzupassen und zu gedeihen.